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April 19-20 Day School 'Honor A Blueprint To Kingdom Conduct' 2 Day Seminar

Writer's picture: King Global Impact CenterKing Global Impact Center

In today’s society, we are seeing the demise of good language/speech and clean behavior/actions.

The church at large is being given an opportunity to use Kingdom protocol to shift language and actions. When we see this happen, the art of being respectful can transform an entire culture.

How does this happen? It happens by knowing the duty that is placed upon a person who has entered a Kingdom mindset. The remembrance must always be to acknowledge. To be a part of the Kingdom, we must learn the language of the King.

A King’s language is always released publicly with honor, responsibility, and purpose. No one is separated from the King’s language, especially while in His presence. The church will learn to use His language and the Kingdom will be advanced at a much faster rate.

This will release the sound of heaven and place the church in a more respectable light.

If you want to go deeper in your understanding of:

  • Why honor is important

  • How to expand your influence with the protocol of honor through language, personal presentation, and recognition of others

  • How to confidently pursue the development of honor

  • How to stand before kings, presidents, and priests - only thing Theresa wanted to change

  • How polishing your skills with honor will open doors for you

... then I invite you to join me for...

 Honor: A Blueprint to Kingdom Conduct

Good manners will take you where education never took you!

 When you use good manners, you are much more likely to be well received. Understanding proper protocol and using good manners, even in writing, opens doors for you with key leaders. This is something important to learn and something anyone can do.

There are certain protocols in ministry that can make you successful and enjoy the journey. The protocol is a code, prescribing strict adherence to correct etiquette and precedence. Etiquette is a prescribed way of actions in a given situation for which there are rules. Rules are the boundaries. We all need them so we don’t veer off course.

Honor in action is the blueprint to Kingdom conduct. Avoiding frustrations and comparisons to other people is vital to succeeding in whom God called you to be. Let us look at the possible changes we can make in our character and attitude so we can feel secure around people we do not know.

These respectful skills then become a way of life publicly and privately affecting relationships. This includes denominations, friends, family where relationship and unity are necessary.

During her training, I (Dr. Theresa) will be activating you, giving you exercises to activate yourself, and imparting strategies to polish your skills.

 Here is what we will cover during the six live sessions:

Session 1: First Duties

I was standing in the sanctuary of our church when I heard the audible voice come out of the atmosphere above me and say, "I have called you into the ministry." I looked around to see who the Lord was speaking to; and when I realized there was no one around, I realized He was speaking to me. Not everyone will have this same experience. Nonetheless, there is always the recognition of a call into ministry. In this session, we will discuss what ministry is, what ordination is, and what servanthood is. In the end, you will have a better understanding of the call of ministry including lay ministry and pulpit.

 Session 2: The Art of Addressing Ministers and Dignitaries

During my 27-plus years in pastoral and prophetic ministry, I have been blessed to serve in churches with a variety of pastors, apostles, prophets and individual believers who have honored my ministry. Much of what has happened in my life in leadership is the result of the humbling, yet stimulating blessings of honor. In this session, you will learn how to honor others, the significance of a title, and how to address ministers and dignitaries. At the end of the session, you will be more comfortable in the presence of persons of influence.

 Session 3: The Proper Use of Attire

Dress for success is a motto used in our society when it comes to a job interview, college life, the corporate race and the business world. Many of today's elite college campuses, corporations, and government jobs have dress codes. Etiquette and ethics for attire are important factors in various functions and activities for the secular world. There is no difference in ministry. In this session you will learn to know your surroundings, how to buy affordable, and the use of attire for both men and women. At the end of the session, you will understand how to use clothing to project your message and to enjoy your appearance.

 Session 4: Let's Host a Meeting

If you have a church, a ministry or school, eventually, you will host a meeting of some type. Strategic planning begins the moment you decide you want a guest speaker or desire a special emphasis of ministry or training. In this session, we will look at What God thinks about your desire, how it all begins with prayer, what you need to know in advance, how to serve your guest speakers, and how to conduct a meeting. At the end of this session, you will know that "You can do this!" You'll receive the tools to host a meeting and you will know there's no fear in having a meeting.

 Session 5: Being a Guest Speaker

In order to qualify as a guest minister or speaker, there are three qualities necessary: Calling, integrity, and servanthood. The Bible is clear that the art of preaching is not a vocation, but a calling (see Rom 1:1; 1 Cor 4:1). In this session, we will discuss what it takes to be a guest speaker, arrival times and protocol, and honoring your host. At the end of the session, you will not be afraid to be a guest speaker and that there is no need to panic!

 Session 6: Formal Ceremonial Events

There are formal ceremonial events in the life of a church or ministry. These include ordination, weddings, and funerals. In this session we will discuss the preparation for ordination, the biblical concept of ordination which is for security, preparation for a wedding, how to remain confident on The Big Day, preparation for a funeral and how to minister to the family and their faith.

At the end of this session, you will be prepared for formal church ceremonial events.




Benefits of taking this Class:

  • You will be activated to restore the original intent

  • You will gain confidence in your role as an ambassador by the expansion of the Kingdom sphere of influence

  • You will gain an understanding of the importance of being an ambassador

  • Defining your role


How This HONOR Training Works


We know this training will give you vital insight into the days in which we are living, so I'm offering a 100% money-back guarantee with this training program. So, if for any reason you are not delighted with this course within 30 days of when you sign up, we will either reconcile the problem or refund your entire investment.

You have nothing to lose and much to gain.

Your success is our success and vice versa!

 Summary of What You Get


  • Session 1: First Duties

  • Session 2: The Art of Addressing Ministers and Dignitaries

  • Session 3: The Proper Use of Attire

  • Session 4: Let's Host a Meeting

  • Session 5: Being a Guest Speaker

  • Session 6: Formal Ceremonial Events



Honor: A Blueprint to Kingdom Conduct Coaching Program


YES! I want to polish my honor skills, gain respect, and expand my influence!

Purchase this Class 45.00 Includes Book


Friday Class April 19 Starts Promptly 10 Am

Saturday Class. April 20 10 AM

Blessings to understand and apply Kingdom honor!


Dr. Theresa Phillips The King's Ambassador Founder,


Dr. Theresa Phillips is an International Speaker, Author, Recording Artist, and Business Owner. She is the host of Global Prophetic Live web TV, and is the developer of Glory Oils and Redeem and Renew Skin Solutions.

Dr. Theresa is an educator and author of Kingdom principles, releasing many into positions of leadership in the "Seven Mountain" spheres of influence. In her 27 years of Ministry, Theresa has authored 22 books and released a number of short articles and prophetic words. Dr. Phillips is Releasing A New Movement Destiny Arising of which she is CEO.


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