Guest Speakers
At Kingdom Global
 Praise MinistriesÂ
Dr. Theresa Phillips
Robert Phillips
Charlie Shamp
Munday Martin
Tommy Tenney
Steve & Derene Shultz
Kim Clement
Lance Wallnau
Georgian Banov
Stacey Campbell
Drs. Renny And Marina McLean
Al and Billie Reagan Deck
Michelle Perry
Richard Hanson
Jeff Jansen
Bidel Torrez
Paula Roth
John Scotland
Shawn Bolz
Kathie Walters
Dr. Mildred Harris
Dr. Barbie Breathitt
Melody Barker
Joan Hunter
Matt Sorger
John Crowder
Brian head Welch
John & Brandi Belt
Jose Novela
Barbara Yoder
Shirley Ward
Eric Burton
Fredrick Aguilar
Brian and Candice Simmons
Glenn Bleakney
David Cranfill
Daniel Scalf
Andrew Murray
Marc Brisebois
Dr. Mildred Harris
Eva Dooley
Ben Dunn
Luke Holter
Clyde Wasdin
Phillip Rassmussen
Mel Tari
Nichole Marbach
Nancy Magiera
Paulette Horvath
Michelle Horvath
James Horvath
Dr. Johann Schonken
Fred Aguilar
Steve Swanson
Emily Young
Darren Wilson
Dr. Kaye Beyer
David Tomberlin
Rob Radosti
Damon Stuart
Ben & Brenda Peters
Peggy Cole
Dianne Nutt
Jim Paul
Lisa Nelson
Natasja Younce
Julie & Walt Meyer
Sharnael Wolverton
Melinda Thomas PhD
Brian Lake
Brian and Candice Simmons
Tommy Anderson
Tom Matson
Maria Goldstein
Lois Koss
Carmita Cook
Jacques Cook
Desiree Lamphier
John BellGustav De Toit
Andre Tyrone Ashby
Dr. Dave Yarnes
The Presence Is getting Stronger in these days
The Encounter Returns
You will receive Strategies on The Realms of Building Expanding and Understanding this phase in time For The Kingdom Of God
Its your Time To Be Activated
Prayed Over
And Loosed into your Destiny
She as Wife Mother And Anointed Musician
Register Early

7 PM Thursday Friday 10m Am
2 Pm 7 Pm
Sat 10,2 Pm And 7 Pm Sun 1030 Am
Per Person
10.00 For Walk In
Rooms at Quality Inn And Suites
Address: 1600 E Main St, St. Charles, IL 60174
Contact Manager
The Encounter Returns / The Realm Of The Kingdom
This Encounter will be Limited Registration so reg EARLY.
Apostle Stephen Strader The Soul Winner & Revivalist
In December of 2005, Stephen became the senior pastor and renamed the church, Ignited Church, purchased, remodeled, and moved the congregation to this facility. Stephen began his education at Trinity College and completed his B.A. degree at Southeastern University in Lakeland. He did graduate studies in Theology and Leadership at ORU, in Tulsa, OK. In 2012, Stephen was awarded an Honorary Doctorate degree in Signs and Wonders, from the International Miracle Institute, Pensacola, FL
In 2008, Stephen hosted a five-day conference on signs and wonders at Ignited Church, with evangelists from all over the world The meetings extended to 188 days. Crowds swelled to over 10,000 each day. They moved to six different locations to accommodate the crowds. It is estimated that over 350,000 different people from over 200 countries attended the meetings, and over 40 million viewers watched on the Internet and satellite around the world. Stephen authored the book, THE LAKELAND OUTPOURING, to tell the whole story.
Stephen also travels throughout the United States and internationally, igniting, fanning, and reviving revival fires. Signs, wonders, and unusual manifestations of the Holy Spirit confirm the Word preached. His mission: spread this revival fire everywhere. Stephen and Janice reside in Lakeland FL where they have pastored for over 40 years.
Dr Barbie Breathitt The Dream Decoder!
Barbie Breathitt teaches individuals, teams, and churches how to recognize, respond to and release the activity of God with unique strategies.
Dream Interpretation
Breath of the Spirit is a teaching and equipping ministry. We are set apart to more firmly establish the ability to understand conundrums and mysteries hidden within your dreams.
To this extent, we hope you contact Breath of the Spirit to find out how you can begin or more fully develop your gift of dream interpretation.
A selection of courses are available that provide inspired teaching and engaged participation to empower individuals in daily life and ministry.
Revelatory Encounters Healing Encounters
Dream Encounters Angelic Encounters
Kingdom Encounters
Dr. Theresa Phillips The Kings Ambassador
is Prophetic and Called An Ambassador Of The King By Jesus Himself.
She Pastors a Church in Saint Charles for 34 Years.
For two years she encountered Heavenly Visitation nearly daily. She still has them.
She has written over 20 Books and is a mentor to many.
She has Ordanied into the Ministry of over 300 People Worldwide.
Her Miraculous healing from being told she had two weeks to live Brought her to Marry the Kingdom.
Later she died and was raised from the Dead... She is an entrepreneur
Feb 2013 She had a visit from King Himself who called her His ambassador. She believes that the KINGDOM must be elevated to a Kingly Priestly status to achieve the Goals of God.
The Encounter Returns
In 2009 God spoke to Theresa Phillips To Start The Encounter...
Little did she know that she would embark on a mission to advance the Roles of The Kingdom of Heaven Into the Below.
God revealed top her that everyone in Christendom has a VITAL role in advancing the Kingdom She obeyed. Signs and wonder followed and still do.
When God spoke again and said The Encounter Returns April 2023 Again Obedience is better than Sacrifice
Where When How ???
He spoke and said 'This is Intimate Theresa we will get down to business with the people who come ... We will see transformation because I'm giving you time to minister and ADVANCE Realms I'm releasing.
Remember Many are called and Few are chosen In this Intimate gathering We will see All who are in attendance CHOSEN.
Dear Friends don't miss this... We are NOT posting who is speaking when because Things Change.